2015 Holiday Gift Guide for that Couple in Your Life Always Making Googly Eyes at Each Other (or for you and your love)

2:09 PM

Mark and I are at a loss of what to get each other this year, so we decided to do one gift that we both would like. I think any of the options below would make an awesome gift for any couple.

  1. Our Q&A a Day. A three year journal to complete together as a couple. Cute way to start a new conversation together every day. 
  2. Date Night In by Ashley Rodriguez. Sweethearts, spouses, and parents Ashley and Gabe Rodriguez found themselves deep into marriage and child-rearing when they realized they were spending most of their evenings staring at their computers. Determined not to let their relationship deteriorate into that of "roommates with children," they institute a weekly date night: they sauté, roast, mix and dice and spend time reconnecting over simple but thoughtful dishes. With Babes it's getting harder and harder to go 'out' for dates, Date Night In would solve that problem I think.
  3. Sheet Music Canvas with your first song printed on it. I envision ours hanging over our bed.
  4. An ornament. Mark and I started the tradition of getting ourselves an ornament together for Christmas each year. It usually represents something we did together or and exciting event that happened to us. This year we got a 'First Year as Mommy & Daddy' ornament. 
{p.s. None of this is sponsored and not all of these products were purchased by me. They are just products that I found that I think are interesting and fun. I am not affiliated with any of the companies above. Cheers!}

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  1. We have the Q&A a Day journal and it is such a fun conversation starter. We've fallen off the wagon a couple of times (it takes commitment to do this daily!), but each time we re-engage with the journal, we both enjoy it!
